Palace Pets Wiki

A Dreamy-ful Birthday is the second episode of Whisker Haven Tales with the Palace Pets.

Berry, Pumpkin and Treasure are preparing a birthday party surprise for Dreamy - but in order to plan the perfect birthday party, they have to make sure Dreamy doesn't find out.


Berry is creating a cake for Dreamy's surprise birthday party. She hopes that Pumpkin and Treasure arrive with the blueberries soon, and we cut to see the two pushing an oversized basket of blueberries down the hall to the kitchen. They hear a sound, assume Dreamy is coming, and hide in a treasure chest. They are relieved, only to find Dreamy is napping inside of the chest. They awkwardly greet her as Dreamy leaves to find another spot to finish her nap. She heads towards the kitchen, the one Berry is creating a cake in, only to be stopped by Pumpkin and Treasure. Treasure asks Dreamy to test out all of the beds in the palace, and she happily agrees. Berry urges the duo to bring the blueberries in, worried that Dreamy saw them. Treasure reassures Berry, who starts to decorate the cake with blueberries.

Now finished decorating the cake, Pumpkin wonders in what order the cake and dancing should be had at the party. Treasure pops out of the dishwashing basin and is aghast by the suggestion of dancing at the party and would prefer to hold a pool party. The trio are disturbed by Dreamy's voice looking for Treasure and Pumpkin. To hide the cake, Pumpkin stands on top of the other pets and wears a tablecloth like a dress, blocking Dreamy's view of the cake as she enters. Dreamy simply mentions she didn't notice Pumpkin's height before and is looking for Treasure. Treasure, with soapy hair from the basin, becomes nervous as a drop of water falls onto her nose. Pumpkin sends Dreamy off to fluff the pillows just as Pumpkin sneezes and knocks over the totem.

We cut to the party and see a dress-up dance party happening. We pan over and also see a pool party happening. Sultan and Treasure are playing with a ball and accidentally knock it into Pumpkin's back, who turns around and is confused to see a pool. Treasure is dissimilarly nonchalant to see a gala. Miss Featherbon tells the two to fetch Dreamy and start the party. They find Dreamy sleeping on a bed, and start to rethink the theme of the party. They finally come to the conclusion that Dreamy would love a slumber party (after Pumpkin mistakenly thinks she'd love a bauble theme). Cutting back to the party, Miss Featherbon creates beds and pillows in preperation and the pets are all wearing pajamas now. Treasure remarks that Dreamy is coming and everyone hides. Dreamy finally arrives and everyone surprises her with a "Happy Birthday!". Dreamy is enamored, even more so when her present of a cat bed is revealed. She goes off to sleep on it, and everyone else settles in to sleep alongside her.


Whisker Haven Tales Episodes