Palace Pets Wiki

Chrismh Chrismh 9 November 2020

Long time no see!

Uh hey, not sure if anyone is going to see this but I was messaged by a fellow member to come by and beleve it or not, I was considering checking this place out again :3 I was missing the Palace Pets and stuff, they're not still being made as toys are they? Someone has to upate me!

Anyway, seeing the wiki and how I've grown as a user and stuff, I'm inspired to try to spruce things up a little. I'm not talking like a heavy renovation or anything, but just fix some stuff up, go over pages/categories to see if anything could be straightened up, remodeling the navigation bar on top of the page, providing info on any pets who may be lacking, etc.

Okay so that's about it for now. Thank you for stopping by the wiki and/or taking time to read this.

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Chrismh Chrismh 24 December 2016


I'm getting pretty frustrated that I have to come here and find either a bunch of spam, or just idiots messing up things because they can't respect the rules or THINK to contact the Admin/Me.

I'm going to start putting on heavier restrictions on this place soon if this foolishness keeps up.

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PawWinger909 PawWinger909 6 July 2019


As you know, a pawcation is coming out. And a new pet! But, it has no name.

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Chrismh Chrismh 4 November 2016


I don't know if you guys think this is funny or cute- but this wiki is NOT for fan characters/pets. I don't know where you got the idea it was, but it isn't. This is for official/real content only. Take your fan pets elsewhere because I'm getting tired of this...

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Chrismh Chrismh 12 July 2016

Series as a Category

It finally donned on me that we actually, really don't need to use the Categories from the series the Princesses come from. They're not related to this series other than perhaps a brief mention in terms of relationships- but that isn't nearly enough.

So from now on, please don't include the movies/series the Princess come from as a Category on the pages.

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Chrismh Chrismh 12 July 2016

That's it...

I had no choice but to make anyone who wishes to particpate here to log in. I'm sorry but its going to heck in a fluffy handbasket.

I'm going to be checking over things to clear and fix them up, as well as try to add some fancy new Templates to spiff up the pages.

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Chrismh Chrismh 8 November 2015

Okay, here I am

For my usual every so often check of the wikia. If you've been misbehaving/breaking rules expect to be dealt with, if you have any questions or comments, leave them in this blog or on my talk page. I will probably be around for a day or so (depending on how long it takes for me to check every little thing).

That is all.

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Chrismh Chrismh 29 April 2015


Hi anyone who may still come by this place. Sorry for lack of updates lately; this laptop I've been forced to use since October or so is really bad and makes it hard for me to do... basically everything. 

However, I will be getting a new one in a few days/weeks. When I do, I plan to focus on making merchandise pages and what-not. Hopefully soon we'll get some new pets too!

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Chrismh Chrismh 8 October 2014

Okay, so...

Apparently a user has been going around putting down trivia that I said was not to be included, these being things like "she is exciteable like Pinkie Pie" and other stuff. Because not only is that not really trivia, but it associates improper series with this. 

I had warned a user before and fixed what they did, but I was unable to track down who was doing it, nor do I remember originally. So I will go and fix the pet pages again and check them, and if it happens again I will just ban whoever I think is doing it. 

SO if you have any ideas as to which user needs to be checked, comment. 

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