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"Brie-zy Does It!" is the nineteenth episode of Whisker Haven Tales.

Brie believes she can make many saddles all on her own for the Royal Pony-Palooza, although it's not as easy as she thinks.


The ponies were wrapping up a race while Pumpkin, Berry, and Ms. Featherbon cheered them on. Upon reaching the finished line, all the ponies proudly stood still; albeit they were all covered in mud and dust from running about. Ms. Featherbon congratulated all the ponies for finishing before announcing that later on she will be awarding the pony who had showcased the "royal heart of friendship" at the Royal Pony-Palooza. Petite began to read out that all ponies attending the Pony-Palooza must have finely decorated saddles. This cuts to Jane Hair inspecting Bloom's saddle and giving her a meow of rejection. Bibbidy worriedly questioned how the saddles would be prepared during the ponies' grooming. Brie suddenly appears out of Berry's hair to inform them that she would have all the ponies saddles ready by tonight. Bibbidy asked Brie if she was sure if she can do this all by herself, which Brie reassured her that she will and requested her to leave the dirty saddles at the stables and to only worry about their grooming. Petite thanked Brie for her kindness.

Over at the stables, Brie began to clean up one saddle and decorate it, but this took time. Pumpkin and Berry visited to see the progress and were in awe with Brie's job well done. Brie thanked the two and shown them the rest of untouched saddles that she had to work on. This shocked Pumpkin and Berry, Brie quickly realized that she won't be able to finish everything on time and hid. Pumpkin informed Brie that she and Berry would love to help her finish up, this made Brie worry that people won't be happy and think she couldn't finish on her own. Berry laughed at this and stated that people won't think of such a thing, Pumpkin added that friends helping one another is something worth celebrating. Brie thanked the two for their help and together the three finished cleaning and decorating the ponies' saddles on time.

Soon, Ms. Featherbon officially stated that the Royal Pony-Palooza has begun. The ponies, now all clean, strutted along. Jane Hair inspects Bloom again, but this time she was pleased and gave an air kiss of approval. Everyone cheered and Ms. Featherbon announced the winner of best sportsmanship was Brie. Brie, who was all surprised, told her that she wasn't a pony. The ponies told her that without Brie's hard work that the Pony-Palzoo wouldn't had happened at all and gave her their thanks. Brie was awarded the flower wreath and asked Pumpkin and Berry to join her because they helped her get this far. Pumpkin and Berry cheerfully picked up Brie, happy to have helped their friend.


Main Characters[]

  • Brie
  • Pumpkin
  • Berry

Minor Characters[]

  • Ms. Featherbon
  • Petite
  • Bibbidy
  • Jane Hair

Background Characters[]


Whisker Haven Tales Episodes