Palace Pets Wiki

Hat's a Wrap! is the sixth episode of Whisker Haven Tales with the Palace Pets.

On the day of the Whisker Haven Derby, one of the Palace Pets is chosen as the Royal Derby Starter. Pumpkin creates a hat perfect for the occasion and gives it to Treasure, but Treasure is not so sure about Pumpkin’s derby day gift.


Miss Featherbon flies into her room where many pets are already gathered around her fountain and explains that the Whisker Haven Derby takes place that day. She urges the pets to look into the fountain, which will show the pet chosen to the be starter of the derby. As everyone is looking in the water, Treasure enters the room on her rolling ship, hoping she isn't late. She hits a flower pot and is thrown into the water. Miss Featherbon decides that Treasure will start the derby. Treasure asks what it means, and Pumpkin explains she'll be starting the royal derby and takes Treasure away to get her a hat.

Pumpkin offers Treasure a hatbox, and Treasure excitedly babbles about how she'd like a pirate's hat or a knight's helmet. She opens the box to see a purple, lacey, frilly hat. Pumpkin puts it on Treasure's head and drags her in front of a mirror, asking her opinion. Treasure starts but is interrupted by Pumpkin assuming she was about to compliment it. She tells Treasure she's so excited to see Treasure wear her hat as she adds a pink tiara on top. Treasure awkwardly smiles and thanks Pumpkin for the hat just before Pumpkin hugs her. Treasure walks into the next room and tries to convince herself the hat isn't very bad, but sees Sultan laughing. She assumes the worst and angrily storms off. We pan over to see Berry had told Sultan a joke to make him laugh. Sultan invites Treasure over to hear the joke, but she has already left.

We see the ponies participating in the derby preparing for the race; Petite reads a book, Bibbidy gets her hooves shined, and Sweetie hypes herself up. As Sweetie runs, she knocks over the small hamster shining Bibbidy's hooves into a bucket of water, making the other ponies laugh as Treasure walks by. Treasure becomes more distraught and considers what would happen at the derby. If she wears the hat, the other pets may laugh at her. If she doesn't wear it, Pumpkin will become hurt and upset. Miss Featherbon asks if Treasure is ready to start the derby. Treasure decides then to not upset Pumpkin, and goes to start the race with the hat on. To Treasure's surprise, no one laughs, but instead is also wearing a fun hat and cheers. Miss Featherbon compliments the hat and Treasure announces that Pumpkin created it. Pumpkin is delighted, and Treasure throws her hat to start the derby. Everyone else throws their hat in the air as the ponies race.


Whisker Haven Tales Episodes