Palace Pets Wiki
Palace Pets Wiki

Page Clipart
Physical and Vital Information
Owned By Belle
Species Lamb
Gender Female
Theme Colors Yellow, Orange, and Pink
Voice Ella Gluck (Whisker Haven)

Page is a female lamb to belongs to Belle . Page Loves to read just like Belle and Petite, but she also loves to eat the paper after she's read it. If Page doesn't learn to curb her appetite, the library will suspend her membership.



A golden lamb with green eyes and a pink nose. Her feet are pale yellow. Her soft pink hair appears to be worn up with several curled locks of hair accent with a gold crown. Her fluffy tail is accent with a pink bow to match her paw print mark and her rose necklace.


She loves to read and eat.


  • Furry Tails Friends


  • Like Rouge, Page has a hanging bang just like Belle's hair.
  • Her eating book pages could be a reference to the sheep Belle is shown to meet at the fountain in the Beauty and the Beast movie.
  • She appeared in the Whisker Haven Episode: Sheep Trick.
    • There she has a different appearance, being very thick and fluffy. Her accessories and hair was also changed.
  • She is similar to Petite in appearance.


Snow White Berry | Sweetie | Muffin | Honeycake | Thistleblossom | Madame Hamilot
Cinderella Pumpkin | Bibbidy | Slipper | Brie | Midnight | La Grande
Aurora Beauty | Bloom | Nuzzles | Fern | Macaron | Ash | Chipper | Cuddles
Ariel Treasure | Seashell | Matey | Sandy Pearl | Otto | Waddles
Belle Teacup | Petite | Rouge | Booksy | Page | Lacy
Jasmine Sultan | Lapis | Taj | Nyle | Stripes | Nola | Sandstorm | Suzani
Pocahontas Windflower | Pounce | River | Brook
Mulan Blossom | Lychee | Plumdrop | Snowpaws | Alora | Chai
Tiana Lily | Bayou | Birdadette | Olive | Glimmer
Rapunzel Blondie | Summer | Daisy | Meadow | Gleam | Sundrop | Truffles | Cubbie
Merida Slingshot
Elsa Skyla
Whisker Haven Miss Featherbon | Mr. Chow | Lucy | Tillie | Barnaby Pickles | Miss Sophia | Jane Hair | Chauncey | Pierre