This page has been made to show off the earlier design stages of each of the pets, as well as pets that were not chosen to be in the finalized series. The categories will be listed by Princess, rather then species or character.
If you wish to add anything, make sure it's properly categorized.
Test 1[]
Originally the series has 8 characters, 4 cats and 4 dogs. Snow White, Aurora, Belle, and Tiana would have dogs, while Cinderella, Ariel, Jasmine, and Rapunzel got cats. They were colored to match their owners color scheme and had very simple features.
Test 2[]
All of the pets were/became cats and some had their colors altered. They kept the simple accessories and gained long whiskers on their cheeks and ears.
Bloom was pale blonde and her mane was less curled, while her tail was similar to its current version but worn with a plain pink ribbon or bow. Her tiara was gold instead of purple, and she had pink hooves. Her outfits consisted of:
- A pink folded collar with a short cape.
- A pointed collar with long cape.
- A plain collar and her ribbon became a bow.
Originally, Beauty began as a small light brown puppy with slightly darker ears, while her belly, muzzle, and paws were tan. She had a big brown nose. She wore Aurora's crown and a small pink bow on her tail. When she was made into a cat her coloring became dirty blonde and her muzzle was white. She gained a pink nose and curled bangs, and she kept her accessories, with the addition of a pink pointed collar.
Eventually, Beauty became light blonde and her paws were made white to match her muzzle. Her facial features are softened and she gained a fuller curled tail, with a ribbon in place of the bow. Her crown gained a heart.
Before gaining her iconic look, Treasure had a very simple style to match the other pets. She was all red with slightly lighter red at the mouth and belly. Her tail seemed to be a little puffed/curled, and she had a very big curled forelock. Her eyes were blue, and she had a big teal sea-star worn on the right ear. Around her neck was a simple purple collar with a sea shell on it.
In her second design, she remained the same but her tail become long and thin, while her bangs were altered.
Like Bloom, originally Petit's colors matched Belle's hair coloring, her hooves gold and and her eyes brown. For her simple stage one designs, her hairstyle remained the same and she was shown wearing a golden shawl held with a red flower. While in another image, she was instead shown with a small tail bow located near the end of her tail.
Her stage two design had been inspired by Belle's princess variant, Petit's hair was styled to resemble Belle's fancier style while her tail then gained it's iconic style that it has currently.
In one image, Petit was depicted with a cloth on her back resembling Belle's dress, worn with a yellow cloth collar with a rose in the center, a plain yellow tail bow and tiny red roses on each hoof. In another image, she wore the same outfit but it was made as a "skirt" rather then a full back covering top. The collar remains the same, as does the tail bow. But she gains gold earrings, a gold and rose themed crown, and lost the tiny roses on her hooves.
Teacup at one point resembled Pluto, an iconic dog character from Disney. She resembled the other dogs, having small bodies, puffed ears, and a stringy tail. Her hair consisted of two curled bangs and a small, simple bun held with a gold hair clip. Around her neck she wore a pink flower, and her tail had a yellow bow.
Rouge originally had Teacup's colors. She used to have tan fur, and a pink necklace that looked like Teacup's.
Originally, Bibiddy was very pale blue, but her eye color was the same as her current design, along with her mane and tail style, but they were colored beige-blonde. She wore a glittery shawl and tail ribbon, along with a frilly shawl.
In the next phase her hair and tail were changed to resemble Cinderella's fancier up-do and she wore glass slippers. Her shawl was turned into a cape attached to a frilly black choke, followed by a choker decorated with pearls and a frilly shawl. She gained earrings and a tiara.
She began as a cat (pumpkin is a dog, Slipper a cat) and she lacked the fluffiness of either pet. She wore simply accessories, including a headband resembling Cinderella's, a black choker, and a blue tail bow. In her redesign, she lost her tail bow and gained some fluffiness to her tail, chest, and bangs.
Unknown Cat (possibly Luna)[]
A little dark blue kitten with big brown eyes and a grey muzzle. She wore Jasmin's headband, along with a gold collar and blue band on her tail. Her redesign thinned her tail and lost the band, and her fur looked black.
The only real differences are that Blossom lacks her puffy tail and crown, only wearing a frilly green ribbon around her neck. The ribbon would go on to be attached to her tail in the final version.
Originally, she was a small white pony with purple hooves. Her hair is reminiscent to her final form but with less flowers, while her tail was very long and dragged on the ground. She wore a pink an purple collar with a saddle. Her tail lacks the ribbon and she didn't wear a face piece.
Summer went through a variety of designs. Originally she was a dirty blonde kitten with lifted bangs and a very long, thick tail decorated with pastel white an purple flowers, and a purple bow. She wore a matching colored collar with a bow on the front.
In her second stage her tail was made to be more neat and thin, held with a purple ribbon. She also gained a frilly neck piece and fur on her chest. Her fur was made yellow and gained some white coloring.
Snow White[]
Originally, Snow White had a dalmatian puppy with brown eyes and a black nose and paws. It had fluffy ears and wore a yellow bow on its tail, a red collar with red ornament, and a red headband with a bow. She also wore a little red lipstick.
When the pets were all made cats, she became a black cat with white paws, tail tip, and muzzle. Her accessories were the same, but her collar changed in design and gained an apple charm.
Berry had minor alterations before her design was finalized. Originally she vaguely resembled Thumper from Bambi, but lacked his beige markings. She gained a red headband with a large bow and gem heart, and a collar resembling the cat form of Muffin/Honeycake. At one point she was shown having more expressive ears, along with a fluffy chest. She lacked her tail ornament and collar, and she lacked her bangs.
Original Pet[]
Originally, Tiana had a chocolate brown puppy with dark brown curled ears and hair to match her nose. Her eyes were caramel and she had dark brown spots on her back. On her head and tail she wore a green leafy ornament rather then bows.
Lily was originally a brown kitty with a peach nose and inner-ear. She had pale brown paws and muzzle, and several curls of hair. She wore a green flower and matching neck piece.