Palace Pets Wiki
Palace Pets - Sundrop
Physical and Vital Information
Owned By Rapunzel
Species Peacock
Gender Male
Theme Colors Pink, Gold, Cyan
Voice Stuart Stone (App)

TBA (Whisker Haven)

Sundrop is a cute peacock owned by Rapunzel. Sundrop met Rapunzel when he saw her painting in the village square and he couldn't help taking a closer look. Rapunzel was amazed by his unique personality and they became good friends.



Sundrop is a light pink peacock with bright, olive-green eyes. His beak and feet are yellow. He does not have any hair, but he has giant rainbow tail feathers of blue, yellow, and pale pink. Dark pink lines the feathers, while each portion has a big teal, gold, and mauve design on it. His cyan paw mark is near his back side.

Sundrop wears a gold crown with three giant crystals shaped like diamonds. Next to it are two flowers, one yellow, the second a cloudy-blue. He wears a hot pink ribbon at his tail feathers and has a yellow beaded collar with a flowered shape. 


He's a showman and loves to get compliments. He loves to make classy, unique suggestions for Rapunzel's artwork.


  • Furry Tail Friends.


  • "Rapunzel says my feathers are beautiful. (Chuckles) She's right."
  • "I always want to look my best for Rapunzel."

​(Getting Bathed and Blow Dried)

  • "Thanks for all the attention. I love it!"
  • "Are you having fun? Cause I've having a great time!"
  • "Thanks. My feathers are gonna look incredible, I just know it!"
  • "My colors can't really shine unless I'm sparkling clean."

(Getting groomed and trimmed)

  • "Thanks for the brushing. I love color and this really makes my color shine."
  • "Thanks. Everybody's gonna want to see my feathers after this."

(Getting Fed)

  • "All this attention is amazing!"
  • (Eating blueberries) "Yummy!"
  • (Eating blackberries) "
  • (Eating birdseeds) "
  • (Eating seeds) "So YUM! This is a great treat!"

(Getting Dressed)

  • "How about something to match my palette of colors?"
  • "Rapunzel is gonna be impressed. Trust me."
  • "Thanks for all the attention. I love it!"


  • He likes colors, Rapunzel's artwork and showing off his tail feathers.
  • Sundrop got his name in the beginning of Rapunzel's film "Tangled" since the film started with a drop of sunlight.
  • Sundrop has been added to the Palace Pets Apps with Pounce and Taj.
  • His colors of blue and yellow from the bottom of his feathers were lacked in the Palace Pet Apps.
  • Sundrop is the only male bird.
  • The Peacock Island is located close to the Wannsee at the Havel and a popular local recreation area for many city dwellers in Germany cause of the popular main attraction on the Peacock Island are the free-roaming Indian peafowls. That's why peacocks were found in Germany.


Snow White Berry | Sweetie | Muffin | Honeycake | Thistleblossom | Madame Hamilot
Cinderella Pumpkin | Bibbidy | Slipper | Brie | Midnight | La Grande
Aurora Beauty | Bloom | Nuzzles | Fern | Macaron | Ash | Chipper | Cuddles
Ariel Treasure | Seashell | Matey | Sandy Pearl | Otto | Waddles
Belle Teacup | Petite | Rouge | Booksy | Page | Lacy
Jasmine Sultan | Lapis | Taj | Nyle | Stripes | Nola | Sandstorm | Suzani
Pocahontas Windflower | Pounce | River | Brook
Mulan Blossom | Lychee | Plumdrop | Snowpaws | Alora | Chai
Tiana Lily | Bayou | Birdadette | Olive | Glimmer
Rapunzel Blondie | Summer | Daisy | Meadow | Gleam | Sundrop | Truffles | Cubbie
Merida Slingshot
Elsa Skyla
Whisker Haven Miss Featherbon | Mr. Chow | Lucy | Tillie | Barnaby Pickles | Miss Sophia | Jane Hair | Chauncey | Pierre