Palace Pets Wiki

Welcome to Whisker Haven is the first episode of Whisker Haven Tales with the Palace Pets.

When Pumpkin floods the ballroom, it's up to Treasure and her friends to save her.


In the human world, Treasure plays with her toy ship in the ocean just outside of Princess Ariel's castle. A sparkling blue orb grabs her attention as it floats beside her and a blue bird suddenly materializes, startling Treasure. The bird tells Treasure that she was sent from Whisker Haven to find her before. She explains that Pumpkin needs help as she rushes inside of the castle with Treasure in tow. They reach a wall and a portal to Whisker Haven materializes.

Treasure enters the portal and finds herself on the inside of a castle and mysteriously able to speak. She is properly introduced to the bird, Miss Featherbon, and is interrupted by a pony, Petite, who brings Miss Featherbon and Treasure to the source of the distress in the ballroom. The ballroom is flooded with flowing water and bubbles slowly rise up to the top of the room. Petite explains that Pumpkin was taking a bath and left the water running, which overfilled into the ballroom. We see Pumpkin, a white puppy, struggling to stay afloat in the water. Petite and Miss Featherbon aren't able to brave the water, but Treasure loves the water. She dives in and finds a door that could open and drain the water, but it's too heavy to pull.

With some quick thinking, Treasure finds a leash and collar. She throws the collar side to Petite and ties the leash to the door's handle. Miss Featherbon, Petite, and Treasure all pull on the leash until they finally open up the door, draining the ballroom. Pumpkin thanks Treasure for the help and goes to attend one of Cinderella's balls, but Miss Featherbon interjects and tells her she needs to clean up the ballroom first. She is initally upset, but Treasure and Petite offer to help and make the job fun. The four pets manage to clean up the ballroom and perform a celebratory "Hearts! Hooves! Paws!"


Whisker Haven Tales Episodes